Sunday, October 4, 2009

I bought "Rice Seasoning" to dye with..

OK.  I went to the store and bought more "rice seasoning".  It has turmeric in it not saffron.  Turmeric also turns fabric yellow and is inexpensive.  That is a little easier to deal with.  I bought two packages.  One to experiment with and one to replace the one I used the first time before my husband finds out I´ve been doing mad experiments with our dinners again.  Today I don´t have time to experiment.  I have to study very hard for my test this week in Business Development class.  I also have to start planning, drawing and designing THREE garments for three different final projects.  I am going to maybe try to convince the teachers to let me make one garment and use it to account for the two final projects in two diffenent classes.  Then I would only have to make one really GOOD garment to cover the requirements of the two classes.  It wouldn´t necessarily be less work, because I would have to make one really awesome dress rather than two sort of nice ones.  Actually now that I think about it, maybe I am better off making two so-so garments.  Maybe a cool t-shirt or blouse for stamping and dyes class and a cocktail dress for indumentary design.  Then for Ergonomy I will probably make some work gloves for cleaning ladies.  It all may sound easy but it is not because I have to do all kinds of drawings and planning and cost control.  For Ergonomy I will have to find cleaning ladies who actually will use the gloves and then answer my survey questions. etc...  The sewing is the easy part.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I can´t figure out the magic fabric recipe.

I decided to do another experiment to get down the "magic fabric" recipe.  I can´t do it!  I stewed cotton fabric for hours yesterday in different combinations of tomatoes, wine and paprika and salt.  A few with vinegar.  These are all ingredients I remembered using that day but I can´t repeat the discovery!  I don´t know what I did the first time!  I think maybe I used some sort of premixed spices called "rice seasoning" too at one point.  Probably they had saffron.  But saffron is expensive, do I want to risk the investment for the sake of science?  I don´t even know where to begin a search on google for a magic fabric recipe.  I already tried "magic fabric" but that didn´t work.

The wine one sort of worked, but maybe I used a different brand of wine that day?  All I remember was that it was a red wine.  I don´t remember if it was merlot or cabernet.  I don´t even remember what brand it was.  But this time the fabric came out a sort of boring drab color, then when I washed it it turned grey.  The first time it was a beautiful deep, almost black after I washed it and then with each wash it turned sky blue.  Then it turned yellowy orange when I put vineagar on it and turned back to sky blue when I washed it in soap.

The tomato one just turned orange and when I washed it, it turned lighter orange.  About half an hour into my paprika, tomato, vineagar and wine mix my stepkids came home from school with varying comments about what smelled.  "Is THAT what we´re eating for dinner!?" "What stinks?"  "What the hell are you doing?" Surprisingly one of them actually said, "Mmmm what´s cooking? That smells good."  Then my husband "Do you know how many hours I have to drive in my taxicab to pay for your mad experiments?"

I did not do very well in high school chemistry, but I remember that in the labs they taught us to keep track of our experimental procedures in the labs and to use a control?  I am sick of tomatoes and wine.  I don´t even want to look at a plate of spaghetti for a few weeks.