Fashion School

PetitPoix receives no compensation of any kind from the schools listed below nor promotes any educational institution.
Beware. You will find many offers online, on TV and in print for fashion school and other types of schools. Often times these are scams preying like vultures on your hopes and dreams.  Never give in to high-pressure sales pitches.  If the recruiter is pressuring you to sign up or "lose your chance" then walk away. Remember that most times the recruiter is just trying to achieve his required sales metrics.  Fashion school, as with many other types of schools, can be a big investment and a reputable school will understand that you need time to research before making such a big decision.  Before enrolling in any school (whether it be a fashion school or other kind of school), be sure it is accredited by an agency recognized by U.S. Department of Education (ED).  Just because a school says it is "accredited" means absolutely nothing unless the accrediting agency is recognized by ED.  If not, you could be spending a lot of money on a scam.  Do a search on the internet for how to avoid post-secondary school scams.    As of this writing, there have been steps towards regulating the for-profit college industry however always be especially diligent when researching the for-profit colleges. Talk to a few people who are already in the business that you are interested in pursuing and ask them what school they went to.  Oftentimes a more informative conversation will ensue.  Search YouTube with the school name.  Former students of a school have likely posted a review of their experience.   If you have already been the victim of a school scam don't be ashamed.  It has happened to many people.  That is how the scammers stay in business and often you have no legal recourse to get your money back. You can help others though by talking openly about it so that they don't fall into the same trap. An interesting article to read on this subject is "How One Student Got Burned By a For Profit College....." If the school is in a country other than the U.S.A. do your research.  There must be similar agencies to the ED in that country as well.  You could also find out which foreign schools have student exchange programs with one of the ED accredited schools in the U.S.A. Another idea:  Why not try to get a job or even an unpaid internship in the industry before diving into a career? Hands-on experience will help you decide if the career you are curious about is really for you and open your mind to many other possibilities. Read this post: Entry Level Jobs in the Fashion Industry.

(PetitPoix Receives NO compensation from any of the fashion schools or programs listed here.)

Resource Websites for Design Students:
    Community Colleges, Short Courses, Summer Classes, Seminars:
    Fashion Schools:
  North America (USA and Canada)

Latin America

1 comment:

fashion design career said...

If you've always desired to get engaged in design style but never really realized where to begin, there are many sites that provides you with guidelines, techniques, thoughts and even systems in which to exercise and come up with thoughts on your own. Anyone can take pen to document and come up with design style but on the internet design style will let you know what's in design these days and it will have you up and operating like a pro quickly.